關於Bassline 音樂學院
About us
Bassline 音樂學院 由歌手谷婭溦及唱片公司音樂總監劉易昇創立,是一家專門提供卓越聲樂、音樂製作及樂器培訓的頂級學院。為有抱負的音樂人提供音樂培訓,並通過個人化的指導和最先進的設施,幫助學生發展其音樂技能和創造力。
Bassline Institute of Music, co-founded by singer Vivian Ku and record label music director Alex Lau, is a premier institute specialising in vocal excellence, music production and instrumental training. It provides music training for aspiring musicians and helps students develop their musical skills and creativity through tailor-made programmes.
Our instructors obtain years of experience in music and teaching. Our instructors offer various teaching methods to students of all ages.
The Institute also organises student concerts and competitions to allow students to showcase their talents and receive feedback from industry professionals.
Our school mission is "Passing on the Music, Music for the City".